Habar Awal Subclans

Habar Awal is one of the major subclans of the Somali Isaaq family. Its members inhabit the western and northern portions of Woqooyi Galbeed, Saaxil, and around the road between Burco and Berbera of Somaliland. They also inhabit Ethiopia's eastern Haud area. The Habar Awal is named for the youngest son of Sheikh Ishaaq.

And Isaaq married Habar Magaado (who was thought to be Oromo), Habar Xabuush ( who is thought to be Xabashi. ) and Sharifo ( who is thought to be light skinned Oromo from Herar). Sharifo died and was buried while pregnant.

When Shekh Isxaaq heard the burial he ordered to dig the burial and get awal from her body. Thanks God awal was alive. Around 1270, Horn of Africa was known as Abyssinian Empire claiming descent from the kings of Axum. They called themselves Neguse Negest ("King of Kings in horn of Africa," or Emperor),

Awal had six sons:

Ciise Muse
Sacad Muse
Afgaab Muse
Eigalle Muse
Ali Muse
Abdi Muse
The Sacad Muuse spilts into Xuseen Abokor, Jibriil Abokor, Abdalah Abokor and Reer Looge. The main clans of Ciise Muuse Are Caddaawe and Wacays.

1 comment:

  1. Sacad muuse
    Ciise muuse
    Cili muuse
    Egale muuse
    Cabadalle muuse
    Intasun bn aqan
